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10 Truths


10 Truths

1. What advice would you have for women on their way?
Bring a phone charger. Don’t be afraid to be offended. Don’t let the man get you down.

2. Something about you that might surprise others:
It’s very hard for me to make myself shower.

3. What do you admire most in others?

4. An immediate turn-off?
When people are talking to you, but are actually looking across the room to see if they can talk to someone else.

5. Something that makes you smile?
My cats.

6. Biggest insecurity or fear?
That I’m not good enough.

7. When do you feel like the best version of yourself?
When I wake up at 6am and at The Wing by 6.45am. That’s really awesome.

8. Words you live by?
“There is no such thing as inner peace. There is only nervousness and death.” -Fran Lebowitz

9. What have you yet to figure out?
How to say no.

10. What have you figured out?
Who my people are.